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        Home Supplier JINGNING DINGBANG COMMERCIAL LIMITED BUSINESS COMPANY Supplier product Product detail

        Product name:Apple cider vinegar

        Unit Price:$45.00-80.00


        Product detail

        Raw apple vinegar is made by secondary fermentation, which usually refers to liquid fermentation. The raw apple vinegar fermented in liquid state is made from concentrated apple juice or fresh apple juice and fermented into high purity apple wine first, then, the acetic acid bacteria were introduced to carry out acetic acid fermentation, and the alcohol was metabolized to acetic acid. It is different from solid-state fermentation, solid-state fermentation is the waste of apple processing, such as skin, core, small fruit, fruit drop, first broken, and then stirred into the bran, ethanol and acetic acid fermentation at the same time. Features and functions: apple cider vinegar has a good nutritional value, it not only has skin-care effect, but also can detoxify the liver anti-drunk, a glass before alcohol can inhibit the absorption of alcohol, a glass after alcohol can detoxify anti-drunk

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